Results from National Cancer Database and SEER Database with Outcome Measures for Radioiodine Therapy Versus No Radioiodine Therapy in DTC Patients at Low or Intermediate Risk (18,20,22)

DatabaseOutcome measurePatients (n)RAI treatmentNo RAI treatmentInterpretation
National Cancer Database (18)OS61,777 (59% with T1b); 35,921 with RAIHR, 0.77 (PTC, 1.0–2.0 cm); 95% CI, 0.68–0.87Compromised OSBetter OS with RAI in PTC T1b
National Cancer Database (18)OS61,777 (41% with T2) 35,921 with RAIHR, 0.86 (PTC, 2.1–4.0 cm); 95% CI, 0.76–0.98Compromised OSBetter OS with RAI in PTC T2
SEER Database (20)OS61,049HR, 1.0 as reference for age < 45 y, male, white, T2 N0 M0HR, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.1–1.5; P = 0.002Compromised OS without RAI vs. low-risk patients with RAI
National Cancer Database (22)OS21,870 at intermediate risk with PTC T3 N0 M0 or T1–T3 N1 M0; 15,418 with RAIHR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.62–0.87; P < 0.01; multifocal, 51%; N1, 74%; R1, 19%HR, 1.0 as reference; multifocal, 47%; N1, 68%; R1, 15%Better OS with RAI despite more multifocal tumors, lymph node metastases, and R1 resections
National Cancer Database (22)OS in patients < 45 y old12,612HR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.45–0.92; P = 0.016HR, 1.0 as referenceBetter OS with radioiodine also in younger group
  • OS = overall survival; RAI = radioiodine.